Wildlife Removal Photo Album: Attic Has Been Wrecked by Raccoon in Manalapan, NJ

Full of Feces
We found a ton of raccoon feces throughout the insulation.

Could Have Roundworm
Raccoon droppings are dangerous because many contain tiny roundworm eggs that can infect humans and cause serious illness if accidentally swallowed or inhaled. Although these infections are rare, they can lead to irreversible brain, heart, and sometimes eye damage and death.

Through the Attic Fan
The raccoon got into the attic by tearing apart the owners attic fan! To safely retrieve it, we temporarily covered the attic fan and installed a positive set directly over that area. We also set up several baited devices nearby. A positive set is comprised of a nose cone that is attached to a two-gaited, heavy-duty device. The nose cone will safely guide the raccoon into the device. It's called a positive set, because we are positive that the raccoon will enter the device. A short while later, we safely retrieved the raccoon, and took it to a safer environment!

Needs to Be Disinfected
Before we left, we carefully disinfected the attic and removed any contaminated insulation. Our Attic Systems team is going to come out and reinsulate the attic with new TruSoft blown-in attic insulation.

New Attic Fan & Cover
After disinfecting the attic, we installed a new attic fan dome and installed an attic fan cover over it. This is made of heavy-duty 18 Gauge expanded Galvannealed steel mesh and will prevent all nuisance wildlife, not just raccoons, from gaining access into the home through this area.